I come from a non-horsey family, and as my fathers’ work meant a lot of moving around, owning a horse was unfortunately impractical, so I often found myself rides on schoolfriends’ “spare” horses (the one no-one really wants to ride!) I certainly developed “stickability”, as well as respect for the horse as a creature with its own mind. I left school for a life with horses, beginning with a Groom/Strappers course under Bert & Marion Hartog – a fantastic foundation in European stable/horse husbandry. This led on to racing stables (Standardbreds – I loved driving trackwork!); Show horse Stables; Studs – S/B, T/B, Warmblood, Arab; and still riding those tricky “spare” horses for people! I feel fortunate to have worked for many amazing & talented horse people and met so many wonderful horses. Now RDA has added another dimension to my life with horses – sharing their special qualities to bring positive experiences for all participants. I have joined the RDAQ board to help ensure our RDA family continues to grow for the benefit of all.