RDA riding coaches are qualified under the National Coaching Accreditation Scheme. They have skills in horsemastership, safety, medical knowledge, first aid, teaching, selection and training of horses. Many are also highly qualified and experienced in other professions including special education, physiotherapy and other para-medical fields.
RDAQ is desperately short of trained accredited coaches and is actively seeking to increase the number of trained coaches as:
- Number of trained coaches directly corresponds with client waiting lists
- Number of centres that can be open and operational
RDA provides training to its coaches through an accredited training system in 3 progressive stages:
Orientation to Coaching (OTC)
Level 1
Level 2
Who to contact
If you are interested in becoming an accredited RDA Coach, Coach Educator or Assessor please contact in the first instance, RDAQ at admin@rdaq.org.au. Additional information is available from RDAA or the National Coaching & Safety Committee.
How to become a Trainee Coach
Prior to commencing training:
- Ensure your local centre management committee has endorsed your training request
- Contact RDAQ to register as a Trainee Coach
To become an RDA Riding or Carriage Driving Trainee Coach, download the relevant form below and submit it to RDAQ head office.
Please note: For existing Level 0 Coaches, Applications for Level 1 and Level 2 are available through the Coaches Portal or below on this page. Click
here to login
Trainee coaches :
- Work through the RDA Workbook under the guidance of a Coach Educator
- Participate in practical and written activities
- Demonstrate competencies against performance criteria/learning outcomes
- Experience a range of expertise and coaching styles
- Signed off by a Coach Educator
Trainee coaches are assessed against:
- Performance criteria (or learning outcomes) outlined in the RDAA Coaching Workbook
- Standards are benchmarked against industry standards (Pony Club, EFA and Horse Industry Code of Practice)
How to become a Coach Educator
- Any Level 1 or Level 2 Coach can be a Coach Educator for coach training
- Coaches are encouraged to regularly update their skills
RDA National Assessors
All RDA National Assessors are qualified coaches have undertaken training in the assessment process and been assessed on their assessment skills.
- OTC and Level 1 trainees can be assessed by any Level 1 or Level 2 coach who has qualified as an RDAA Assessor.
- Level 2 coaches can be assessed by any Level 2 coach who has qualified as an RDAA Assessor.
How to qualify as an RDA National Assessor
- Qualified RDA National Assessors need to complete additional assessment activities and be assessed on their competence as an assessor.
- Please contact RDAQ about how you can train to be an Assessor.
Application to train
Level 1 Riding Coach Application
Level 1 Carriage Driving Coach Application